Explain, in your own words, what is meant by Effective Altruism and Utilitariani

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Explain, in your own words, what is meant by Effective Altruism and Utilitarianism and how they are connected. Second, identify and explain what you take to be the most promising criticism of this consequentialist argument from Gabriel’s (2017) analysis. Finally, identify and explain what you take to be the best response to this criticism and give your own opinion.
Here are some further guidelines:
The Gabriel (2017) article will be your main your source but make sure you paraphrase (write in your own words) effectively. You will also need to use an article from the course on utilitarianism to support your explanation of the theory. No outside research is necessary
State a clear thesis, taking a position on the topic #thesis
Gabriel main source: https://course-resources-uae.minervaproject.com/uploaded_files/production/00303523-3354/effective-altruism-and-its-critics-jap-final.pdf
Act and Rule utilitarianism: https://course-resources-uae.minervaproject.com/uploaded_files/production-uae/00395556-6711/ethics-1-summary.pdf

Use these links as sources, mainly the first link (Gabriel) Don’t use outside sources!
Apply the following course-level LOs #ethicaltheory, #ethicaldilemmas, #ethicalframing
Remember to footnote LO’s at the bottom of the page and explain why this is an effective example
Remember #Professionalism is used to assess your use of appropriate academic conventions for example academic structure, paraphrasing skills, references.
The essay must be submitted in PDF format to Forum
Assignment Information
Length: 800 – 1000 words
Learning Outcomes Added
#Thesis: Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work.
#Prefossionalism: Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process.
#Ethicaltheory: Identify the main claims, concepts, criticisms and justifications of an ethical theory.
#EthicalFraming: Define ethical problems by framing them in a way that helps to resolve them.
#EthicalDelimmas: Discuss specific ethical dilemmas posed by the distribution of a public good, international issue, and taking or saving a life.

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