The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Wort

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The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Worth Publishers, 20), Richard A. Griggs ”
In this chapter, you have read about cognitive therapy, rational-emotive therapy, and Beck’s cognitive therapy. Complete 3-5 that compares and contrasts these three therapies.
1) Student correctly describes the three types of therapy
What does the therapy believe is the cause of disordered behavior?
How does one treat the disordered behavior according to this theory
2) Student is able to compare and contrast the theories to one another in a critical way
Student asks how these theories are similar (If at all) and how they differ from one another?
Student identified how effective these theories are in helping people and compares results from one theory to another.
3) Student is able to write and communicate psychological ideas and concepts in a logical and concise way
The student is not merely drawing conclusions from opinions but rather using the key ideas from the text or outside source.
The student demonstrates a working knowledge of the material and does not merely parrot what is in the text.
4) Student effectively uses APA formatting and style
The student follows the lates APA manual in regard to style and formatting
written with an academic tone.

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