As might be expected, needs assessment takes place prior to undertaking the proj

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By admin

As might be expected, needs assessment takes place prior to undertaking the project. As you are thinking about your potential project, you need to create a needs assessment that addresses the following:
Identifies and determines the scope of the social, economic, and environmental conditions or issues that need improving.
Gathers information/data about the gap between the current and desired level of audience knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations (KASA), and behaviors.
Helps confirm or negate assumptions of audience characteristics and appropriate content; defines goals and objectives; ensures goals and objectives are aligned with the agency’s strategic plan and other planning documents; and identifies stakeholders and potential collaborators.
As you consider your problem you want to address think about these questions that might be addressed by a needs assessment and answer each of them in this discussion forum:
What are the nature and scope of the problem? Where is the problem located, whom does it affect, and how does it affect them?
What is it about the problem or its effects that justifies new, expanded, or modified projects or programs?
What feasible actions are likely to significantly ameliorate the problem?
Who is the appropriate target audience(s)?
Who are the stakeholders and sponsors?
Problem: secondary school administrators knowing how to respond appropriately to minority student populations

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