During your replay of the video or live observation, focus on the teaching strat

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By admin

During your replay of the video or live observation, focus on the teaching strategies seen.
You will also complete either Appendix B or C (charts used for the EE2 assignment). This will give you an opportunity to practice using one of these charts for documentation purposes.
Grading of these reflections is complete/incomplete and grading is not based on your use of practices but on your ability to reflect. The hope is that your ability to engage in self-reflection will become deeper and more descriptive by the end of the semester.
The written/typed reflections will be based on the dimensions of reflection (Nagro et al., 2017):
Describe: What were the specific elements of each strategy you observed – how did it look? Describe how each strategy was used. Objective, concrete descriptions of the strategy can include detailed descriptions of context (environment, instruction, etc).
Analyze: Explain the rationale for using each strategy in this particular instance/description. Analyze the use of each strategy in relation to coursework and/or knowledge of the strategies.
Judge: Share and defend your professional judgment regarding the success of each strategy by identifying the effect the strategy had on child outcomes.
*Chart is attached. Video will be sent through email
Thank you

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