I have attached the power points and text book pdf for ch2 and ch8 to help with

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I have attached the power points and text book pdf for ch2 and ch8 to help with typing the paper and to use as references. This is a team dynamics and building class. Please review the assignment document for grading before beginning. Please ensure you make direct references to the material for this semester in the written assignment. Select one of the following movies to methodically and purposefully view,
for the evaluation of teamwork for impact success.
Write a report (max three pages.) Your report is to be typed, organized according to the below rubric, and
professional in appearance, with headings, and paragraphs following standard conventions. Any
references you make must be cited. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness all count. The report
should answer the following questions:
Title of the movie, cast, year of release and summary of the story 8 points
Describe the main character(s)
1. What are their goals?
2. What problems do they face?
3. What choices do the characters make?
4. What motivates them?
24 points
How is teamwork manifested in the story?
Cite examples of where you observe:
1. Teamwork
2. Lack of teamwork
3. Clear understanding of roles and responsibilities
4. Building the improvement plan
28 points
What actions and support, in your experience, makes the team in
the story function successfully – draw references to your
textbook? Or unsuccessfully? What would you have done
20 points
In your opinion, what are the essential qualities of a Team Player?
List at least five.
20 points

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