In week 4, you were invited to select and begin researching a topic for this ass

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In week 4, you were invited to select and begin researching a topic for this assignment. To review the choices available to you, please revisit Your Psychology 325 Paper: Choose Your Topic.
This week, your final paper is due. Below, you will find the list of standard guidelines for a successful paper. For all academic writing, we recommend you follow the process of outlining, publishing, and revising your work prior to submission. As you work through the writing process, be careful to keep a log of the resources you use. This will enable you to cite your work properly, avoiding plagiarism. Your final paper should be 3-4 pages in length; the cover page, appendices (song lyrics), and resources page are not included in this page count.
Standard Guidelines
If you do not follow the standard guidelines for your paper, then points will be taken off your final grade.
Typed, 12-point font.
Use APA style to format your document and cite your work.You need to use a cover page with your name and the title of your paper.
Please put a page number on each page.
You need a Reference page listing all resources used (paraphrased or quoted).
The References must be cited in the paper (in-text citations) AND in a reference section (at the end of your paper).
The entire paper must be your own work. If you use any sources, you will need to cite these sources. This includes using ChatGPT (or similar) for outlining or prewriting. If you use this resource – it must be cited to avoid plagiarism.
References SectionReferences must be cited in the paper AND in a reference section. If you are unsure if you should cite something, then cite it! Failure to do so will result in a failing grade (zero) on the paper. NO EXCEPTIONS!
You may use your book as a reference, online news articles, online journals, and hard copy journals to find information related to this class. Here’s what I want:
If you use information from the book (which you should), you need to cite the book in the text (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2015) and in your reference section: “Aronson, E., Wilson, T.D., Akert, R.M., & Sommers, S.R. (2015). Social Psychology (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.”
You must also use at least two (2) sources outside the text (if you select the song option, you would need three (3) additional resources as your song will be cited). Make sure to cite/reference your source(s) properly.
Please use the APA Style and Writing: A Brief Overview page to help you!
PlagiarismPlagiarism is any method in which you represent someone else’s written work (in part or full) as your work.
This includes:
Copying text word-for-word without quotation marks and citing references or paraphrasing without citing the original author.
Generating writing using artificial intelligence (e.g., ChatGPT) from a prompt.
Quoting large sections of others’ work without applying your own synthesis of the original authors’ ideas.
Submitting the work of others as your own or submitting your own work from another class/assignment.
Plagiarism or any form of cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Your work is meant to be independent in this class. In other words, do not work with others. Protect your work from others, even if a friend says, “Can I read your paper just as a model?” Treat your paper as private property, and do not allow anyone the opportunity to cheat, as you will then be involved.
Those caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a failing grade for this paper and possibly the class. The Code of Student Conduct for Maryville University specifies the policy for cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of dishonesty and misconduct.
Find out more about Plagiarism in the All About Plagiarism module. do not cheat !!!!

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