Take some time now to answer the following questions. If you have trouble answer

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Take some time now to answer the following questions. If you have trouble answering any of the questions, go back and review the Perspectives & Resources pages in this module. Your answers need to be only as long as it takes to answer the question. Remember, I really appreciate parsimony.
1. Give a school-based example of two of the following: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, or extinction.

2. Discuss at least two benefits of conducting an FBA to address problem behaviors.

3. Watch the video below and fill out the ABC analysis form on Kira, the girl in the white shirt. What do you think is the function of Kira’s behavior? (see the video in the middle of the page here (link)

4. Nigel’s problem behavior includes cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, and shoving chairs. Which direct observation method would you use to collect data on Nigel’s problem behaviors?
Explain your answer.

5. Look at the matrix for Nigel. Use this information to determine a possible function of the behavior and to develop a hypothesis statement.
​Use this framework to answer this question

The function of Nigel’s behavior was _______
Hypothesis statement: Nigel will ___________(behavior), when ____________ (antecedent/trigger for problem behavior), in order to ____________ (consequence).

Example: When the teacher is not looking at Sam (antecedent), he will throw pencils across the room (behavior – be specific here), he does this in order to get student attention

6. Look at Nigel’s graph. The objective of the function-based intervention was to reduce the instances of Nigel’s problem behaviors (i.e., cursing, making derogatory comments toward other students, yelling, spitting, shoving chairs) during a twenty- minute small-group activity. Is the intervention successful? If you were the teacher, would you keep, modify, or discontinue the intervention? Explain your answers.
7. Discuss why it is important to evaluate implementation fidelity. Be sure to explain the role of social validity ratings.

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