Topic: For this response, write 250+ words describe the different species of Can

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By admin

Topic: For this response, write 250+ words describe the different species of Cannabis and the various hallucinogenic mushrooms. Remember to use the right “Italics” when speaking about Cannabis.
Submission: Submit your response to D2L in PDF form by 11:59pm on the due date.
How to Get an “A”: Make sure to write at least 250 words. Include at least 2 parenthetical citations in which you acknowledge where you’ve drawn information from the readings (AUTHOR YEAR: PAGE #). Think critically about the topic and respond in a creative and insightful manner. Submit the file as a PDF. Follow all formatting instructions in the attached template and example. use ONLY the following articles, attached pdf, and lecture for information to write about:…
Protip: Make sure to check out the attached files which provide an “example” and “template” to see how you’re supposed to format this and to see what a really good response looks like. Follow in those footsteps and you shall succeed! use this link to access the document you will be writing on:

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